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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

2006 Moleskine planners available

Moleskine 2006 Datebook Planners, MoleskineUS

Detail of a Moleskine planner pageJust a quickie to let the Moleskine fans know that the 2006 diaries and planners are now available from MoleskineUS. They tell us:

The popular daily format is the same as ever, but - due to customer feedback - the format of the 2006 Pocket Weekly Planner has reverted back to the previous “row” format, while the 2006 Large Weekly Planner will keep the “column” format.

One pattern I’ve been hearing from people lately is the desire to separate work and personal calendaring. It may be prefereable to maintain an electronic work calendar in iCal or Outlook or what have you and then keep your home and family stuff in a paper diary like these. It’s still easy to take it from home to work and back, but some people feel the separation helps encourage them to leave their work at work (the larger trend I’ve been hearing lately).

In any case, if you dig the high-quality feel of the classic Moleskine, I think you’ll enjoy these a lot.

Moleskine 2006 Diaries & Planners:

(Your purchases from MoleskineUS help support 43 Folders)

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Matthew's picture

I bought a Large Weekly...

I bought a Large Weekly and a Pocket Daily about a month ago at MoleskineUS.com. Another great moleskine experience with those folks. Does Kikkerland sell online?




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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Scared Shitless

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