Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Call for Windows hackers (_yes_, Windows)
Merlin Mann | Jun 6 2005
Another in Danny and my ongoing series, in which we basically beg other people to do our work and finish this Godforsaken book for us. In today’s installment, Danny pleads your help with the one thing we’re both ready to admit we know almost nothing about: cool Windows hacking. (Yes, thanks, I do see the irony of the high and mighty Mac dork asking for help from the people he supposedly scorns [or so spins the long-discredited urban myth]). So, of course, all the usual admonitions about Windows talk are abolished for this post. It’s Thunderdome, people! The Mac-centric people humbly yield the floor. Thus, Danny writes…
Like the man says, spill. Got some amazing Windows fu for us? 48 Comments
I’m a long time Windows...Submitted by Gareth (not verified) on June 18, 2005 - 6:50am.
I’m a long time Windows user, here are some things I picked up over the years: Startup Control Panel lets you removed things from all the different places that windows apps can start. This is useful when you find a friends machine has 14 things in the tray and takes eons to start. Most of them are useless like the Real & Quicktime deamons. Make a downloads folder & put it on your desktop. I call mine the "Download Basket" and I give it a special icon (Right click->Properties->Customize->Change Icon). I find this keeps the desktop clutter to a minimum but keeps newly downloaded stuff close at hand. Everything that Firefox and other apps download goes here. I organize my own music folder and no program is going to do it for me just yet. I wrote a VBScript hack for iTunes so that when I reorganize or add to my library I can just double click and sync up iTunes with the file system. Just downloaded some new Pod Casts and want them to show up in iTunes? No problem. » POSTED IN: