Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Call for Windows hackers (_yes_, Windows)
Merlin Mann | Jun 6 2005
Another in Danny and my ongoing series, in which we basically beg other people to do our work and finish this Godforsaken book for us. In today’s installment, Danny pleads your help with the one thing we’re both ready to admit we know almost nothing about: cool Windows hacking. (Yes, thanks, I do see the irony of the high and mighty Mac dork asking for help from the people he supposedly scorns [or so spins the long-discredited urban myth]). So, of course, all the usual admonitions about Windows talk are abolished for this post. It’s Thunderdome, people! The Mac-centric people humbly yield the floor. Thus, Danny writes…
Like the man says, spill. Got some amazing Windows fu for us? 48 Comments
The thing that has made...Submitted by Lucas Emery (not verified) on June 7, 2005 - 8:50pm.
The thing that has made my Windows experience tolerable for the last couple of years was installing Microsoft's Services For Unix. It used to cost 99 bucks but now you can download it for free (gratis) from Microsoft's website: sfu/downloads/default.mspx Propably a lot of people will mention cygwyn, but I think Services For Unix has got it beat. For one, it's a full POSIX-compliant subsystem, not an emulation layer, so running your bash shell scripts (or Perl or Python or whatever) happens speedily and without a lot of tweaking. Then there's the folks over at who are busily porting over a lot of very popular Unix software to run on SFU; you can have Apache, OpenSSH server, whatever. Also, it can work with NetBSD's pkg_add system, so you can use all the NetBSD packages. And it comes with GCC, so most tar.gz packages are just a "./configure, make, make install" away. So, hopefully, with SFU all your uber-leet shell scripts can run on all three platforms. Oh, my other favorite Windows "hack" is a "Shutdown" shortcut. A conventional shutdown requires THREE mouseclicks (Start Menu, Shutdown, Shutdown) and any geek worth their salt knows that's entirely too many! So I put a new shortcut on the desktop and for "Command Line:" put "shutdown -s -t 01". Now shutting down just takes a double-click. P.S. Really looking forward to the book! » POSTED IN: