43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Sogudi for searching via Safari's location bar

KitzKikz: Sogudi

Sogudi is a plug-in for Safari that lets you search your favorite sites from the location bar. This means that instead of having to visit a given site, you can just type a keyword into the location bar, pop in your search terms, and jump immediately to the results.

Hint: If you're going to be following along on our Quicksilver series, I recommend installing Sogudi and acquainting yourself with it; we'll be using it a lot.

Getting started

More cool shortcuts

Additionally, here are a few of my homespun shortcuts you’re free to repurpose. (Format: Site/Sogudi Abbreviation/Sogudi URL)

  • All-Music Guide Artist Search - amg - http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&opt1=1&sql=@@@
  • Amazon - amzn - http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/external-search?tag=43folders-20&keyword=@@@&mode=blended
    • bonus hack: enter your own Amazon Associates ID to get credit for everything you buy, too
  • Costco - costco - http://www.costco.com/Common/Search.aspx?whse=&topnav=&search=@@@
  • Del.icio.us (all users) - deli - http://del.icio.us/search/all?search=@@@
  • iTunes Music Store - itunes - itms://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSearch.woa/wa/search?term=@@@
  • Netflix - netflix - http://www.netflix.com/Search?v1=@@@
  • Quicksilver Documentation - qs - http://docs.blacktree.com/?action=find&find=@@@
  • Walgreens - wal - http://www.walgreens.com/search/search_results.jhtml?ext=key_@@@&term=@@@&_D%3Aterm=+&section=A&submit.x=50&submit.y=10&_DARGS=%2Fsearch%2Fyou_searched_for_table.jhtml
  • WHOIS - whois - http://whois.sc/@@@
  • WordNet - word - http://www.cogsci.princeton.edu/cgi-bin/webwn2.0?stage=1&word=@@@

Got a cool one to share? Leave a comment.

Nerdy Note: This type of functionality is not unique to Safari at all—it’s been available on Mac and non-Mac Mozilla browsers (among others) for a while now. By the same token a similar functionality is available in Quicksilver itself. Still, I do think it’s worth installing and using Sogudi especially since it integrates seamlessly with Quicksilver. Meaning, in a roundabout way, that Sogudi + Quicksilver + Non-Safari Browser + target app configuration tweak makes Sogudi operate flawlessly with any OSX browser. Make sense? One tool to rule them all.

Wendell Hicken's picture

I'm a very happy QuickSilver...

I'm a very happy QuickSilver user, and I have the search shortcuts configured, but for some reason I never used them much. I installed Sogudi, which definitely seems redundant with QuickSilver (rather than complementary). I liked it, but so far, it seems to have just motivated me to get used to using the QuickSilver shortcuts (less keystrokes).

I'll look forward to seeing what other tricks you have regarding Sogudi - for now I'll keep it installed.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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