Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
MindfulnessThe Tu Lan Files: Interviewed by Brian OberkirchMerlin Mann | Sep 11 2006An Interview with Merlin Mann at Like It Matters Wow, I completely forgot about this. One day, when my pal Brian was in town, we hit Tu Lan and hung out for an hour or so talking about all kinds of stuff related to 43F, productivity, and how to blow lots of time trying too hard to be productive. Given the noise level at the restaurant, I'm amazed he could transcribe the conversation, but here you go. Considering I was high on vietnamese food, there's actually some pretty good bits in there: read more »POSTED IN:
Tips on becoming a better listenerMerlin Mann | Jul 10 2006When we meet, you and I, you will see for yourself one of my most humiliating traits. No it's not my acromegaly, my plaid pants, nor my atrocious hairpiece. No, friend, you will be deeply annoyed to hear me ask you to repeat your name at least twice, and possibly five times, during our inaugural conversation. And, in subsequent meetings, even though your face will be forever etched upon my brain (a skill at which I absolutely excel), I will probably call you "Champ," "Chief," or possibly "Tex." Because, yes, I will have completely forgotten your name. And it's not just a bad memory that's to blame here (although, of course, my memory sucks, too) -- I'm convinced it's because I am a terrible listener, and because I suffer intermittent encoding errors at the time data is written to disk, so to speak. In working to improve this socially-crippling liability, in general -- to hear what people are really saying rather than just using the down time to formulate a pseudo-clever response -- I've begun skimming the web for advice. I have these sites and tips to share with you so far, so listen up! read more »33 Comments
43F Podcast: It’s just a cupMerlin Mann | Jul 6 2006
Grab the MP3, learn more at, or just listen from here: read more »POSTED IN:
Matthieu Ricard symposium at UCSF tomorrowMerlin Mann | May 18 2006UCSF - Calendar of Events [Symposium on Happiness with Matthieu Ricard] I’m looking forward to attending this symposium with the Mrs. tomorrow night on the campus of UCSF. Open to the public and maybe worth checking out if you share my interest in mindfulness and exploring Dharma practice.
Mindfulness, categories, and the 14 kinds of animalsMerlin Mann | May 3 2006List of animals (Borges) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I've been enjoying a wonderful book that a reader thoughtfully sent to me a couple weeks ago. It's called Mindfulness, and it presents some fascinating evidence on the ways that we process and parse our world, as well as the peculiarly human things that can happen when we unintentionally (natch) embrace mindlessness. read more »POSTED IN:
ADT & the catch-and-release distraction programMerlin Mann | Apr 10 2006Why can't you pay attention anymore? | CNET Ever wonder what all those electronic poking sticks might be doing to your attention span? Psychiatrist Edward Hallowell has identified a late-onset cousin of ADD that he calls "Attention Deficit Trait," a "condition induced by modern life" and the endless "chatter" generated by our beepy devices and interrupt-driven lifestyles. I don't know enough to evaluate the rigor of this theory in the eyes of a researcher or physician, but this CNET interview with Hallowell is filled with enough right-on quotes to have me nodding along all day. (read through, after the cut, for our first Mindfulness Exercise) read more »POSTED IN:
Mindfulness: The practice of being "here"Merlin Mann | Apr 7 2006As I mentioned in a recent Lifehacker interview with Matt, I've been casting about for a good way to work in my newfound interest in mindfulness, or the ostensibly Buddhist practice of bringing your attention and focus back to the present moment, primarily through breathing and awareness. Well, here you go: one rank Western novice's collection of blurbs and excerpts on an ancient (yet oddly timely) method for easing yourself back into this moment -- any day, at any time, and in anything you choose to do. read more »POSTED IN:
Lifehacked by Matt Haughey; mindfulness, hoMerlin Mann | Mar 20 2006Interview with a Lifehacker: Merlin Mann - Lifehacker Last Friday, Lifehacker guest editor, Matt Haughey was kind enough to do an email interview with me. It's mostly about Getting Things Done, but I was pleased to be able to sneak in something I've been meant to call out more formally here on the site. read more »POSTED IN:
Jack Kornfield on mindfulnessMerlin Mann | Nov 29 2005SF Gate interviews Bay Area meditation teacher Jack Kornfield:
Kornfield co-founded Spirit Rock and is the author of many books, including A Path with Heart -- I haven't read it yet, but it's been recommended to me by several people as a sensible introduction to meditation and a spiritual path. [ via Ms. Stiness ] POSTED IN: