Daily Links
Merlin Mann | Sep 6 2007

- alwaysBETA » The Tale of the Mechanical Virus - Fascinating -- Never heard of this happening before. At least now you can accurately announce there's a Mac-only virus spreading at the Google.
- Gary Voth Photography: The Forgotten Lens - "The 50mm lens is called a 'normal' or 'standard' lens because the way it renders perspective closely matches that of the human eye." Just bought one of these, and I totally love it. Lots to learn, but I'm working on it.
- Most Useful Mac Software | Tech Magazine - Good collection of Mac apps that non-power-users may not be familiar with. Recommended reading for taking your game to the next level.
- deadmoviestar: Lucky Luciano - My pal, Steve, recalls a memorable encounter in Miami with the late Mr. Pavarotti.
- Footnote - The place for original documents online - Share your own knowledge and research about historical documents. Stuff like Footnote makes the internet what it should be -- an affordance for collaborating on stuff you would never in a million years be able to do by yourself. Crowdsourcing at its finest.
- Jonathan Coulton: Fake Female Me is Busted - JoCo reports on a makebelieve internet sensation who had actually been signed by a label all along. Blechy. "The saddest thing of all is that she could have done this all by herself without the label and avoided all this negative reaction."
Back in the saddle - I've missed Mr. Kottke, and it's swell to have him back up on The Wire. Although, I confess, I am also a huge fan of his and Meg's little interruption.
- Rands In Repose: The Laptop Herring - You and everyone you know needs to read this article twice. Now. "If you have no role in a meeting and stop going, or if you remove someone from a meeting, you’re going to create a conflict with whoever believes that you (or the other someone) should be in that meeting. This is great. This is the discussion you want to have: 'Frank, I’ve been to this meeting 12 times and I’ve no clue what I’m doing here. Please advise.'" - [via Daring Fireball]
Merlin Mann | Aug 27 2007

- It's Time to Stand Up to Your Email - WSJ.com - Quoth your (alas, unlinked) author, "checking email and not doing anything about it is the worst habit." It's true.
- Custom search forms with Views and Fastsearch | Lullabot - I love Views so danged much, and fantastic recipes like this make me just point and gesticulate whenever people say "Why Drupal?" Them Lullabots are some smart cookies. [via deli/siliconmeadow]
- Antony Johnston (Getting Things Written) - Thoughtful, complete, and coherent GTD-based workflow optimized by an accomplished freelance writer. An excellent read. [Thanks, Kelly DeConnick]
- Cool Tool: Craftsman Auto Switch - "Whenever you turn your tool on, it will automatically turn the other outlets on. When you turn your tool off, it waits a few seconds before turning the accessory outlets off..."
- Pile of Index Cards - a photoset on Flickr - Okay, I'm not made of stone, people; I admit that some byzantine systems totally turn my crank. I wonder if Josh D has seen this one.
- Michael Randall [Giving More Engaging Presentations] - Ton of great resources on doing presentations.
- Lunchbox - Find lunch around your workplace - Fun Yelp and gMaps mashup for deciding where to eat. Would be super-handy for traveling. [via Daring Fireball]
- Eye for an iPhone - Jerzy wins the internet this week with this handsome Chuck Norris-esque tribute to Scott Bourne's mad fighting skillz (context: MBW 54). Because you know who else hated iPhones? That's right....
Merlin Mann | Aug 23 2007

- Wired Blogs: Gadget Lab - “The Fatboy Nano will play video and come in matt black [sic], silver, cranberry, light blue and light green.”
- Buddy List Zero: action-based instant messaging - “Want to really Get Things Done? Then turn off IM. These are tips on the skills, tools and attitude needed to empty your buddy list — and then keep it that way.” Roll, Sippey, roll.
- stolen iphone | Ask MetaFilter - “So, yes, the phone is as dead as a brick and considering that when you buy a new iPhone you can’t even get past the picture of the globe all the stuff inside the phone is pretty much locked up also.”
- PocketTweets - My pick of the week on yesterday’s MacBreak Weekly is this beautiful app for doing Twitter on your iPhone. Breaks out of the WAP-ish, Gopher-ish menu approach by crafting a lickable AJAX app that’s all about the iPhone experience.
- Coffee and Tea Mugs Ensure Proper Ratio - “…have a coloring guide on the inside rim to ensure the proper ratio of coffee/tea to milk.” Sometimes it not just a cup. Super cool.
- KQED | Perspectives: Get Off Your iPod - Area Man protests lack of face-to-face human communication by making, wearing t-shirt.
read more »
Merlin Mann | Aug 17 2007

- The software awards scam « Successful Software - Five stars! Reminds me of the ubiquitous mid-'90s "Cool Site of the Day!" awards -- the web equivalent of "World's Greatest Grandpa."
- scottberkun: How to write a book - the short honest truth - "Writing, as opposed to publishing, requires almost no financial or physical resources. A pen, a paper and effort are all that has been required for hundreds of years."
- CatCubed: Gmail, IMAP, and iPhones - Part 2 - The Tutorial - "As I posted previously, I’ve been experimenting with finding a my perfect iPhone email set up." Neato-sounding (if kind of complicated) setup for iPhone-friendlier email.
- Photo-Auto Maps (1907) - "Rand McNally published what were called Photo-Auto Maps, showing photos of streets and landmarks, with arrows pointing you to the correct path leading toward your destination." Awesome. Like a photo version of a AAA TripTik.
- Gruber’s Trick - I do this all the time too. Truth is, I’m way more likely to find a site via referrers than any other way. I don’t link to ‘em all, and it’s not out of pure ego — more like way limited time, above average signal-to-noise ratio, and the occasional unavoidably awesome serendipity. BTW, this not necessarily a suggestion for people who want a link from here: if it's crap, it sinks. More just an “annoying trick” that I’m totally fine sharing openly with you. [via: DF]
- SunRocket Saga: Still No Happy Ending for Many - I ordered my ViaTalk service and VoIP dingus on July 20th. Half a dozen unanswered emails and 3 weeks later: nada. Not classy, ViaTalk. Not classy at all. Makes me want to open up a big-ass Can of Cory.
Merlin Mann | Aug 1 2007
- MacUpdate Promo [CocoaTech’s PathFinder] - For today only, get the simply sublime PathFinder for $19.95 (43% off the retail of $34.95). Great deal. [via: Joel Mueller]
Albert Ellis (1913-2007) - “He was considered by many to be the grandfather of cognitive-behavioral therapies and…one of the most influential psychotherapists in history.” R.I.P., Dr. Ellis.
- GuitarLog
- The Practice Tool For Guitarists - Guitar productivity. "GuitarLog is the place
for you to organize your practice sessions and record your progress." [via: deli/lorinator]
- get-omnifocus.sh
version 1.0 released - The Omni Group Forums - Wrap this bad
boy up in a Platypus app, and you’ve got yourself a super easy (GUI-ified)
way to stay updated on the OmniFocus alpha.
- Fox
News Updates Cavuto Transcript - “The transcript still claims
Apple had projected 'half a million' opening
weekend sales (they didn’t), and still uses the adjective 'hotsy-totsy'.”
- A
List Apart: Articles: Reviving Anorexic Web Writing - She's
right. My team used to call it blah blah text, and I'll admit it's
something that I, for one, have again gotten really lazy about. [via: Anarchaia]
- Monastic
Musings: Inbox Zero, Day #6 - "Do I keep every letter I
receive on my desk? Of course not! Some I toss without opening."
- Rabbit rabbit - “The most common modern version states that a person should say ‘rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit’ upon waking on the first day of each new month, and on doing so will receive good luck for the remainder of that month.” Happy August.
Merlin Mann | Jul 30 2007
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