43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.


Member for
17 years 12 weeks

About Meeno

Meeno's picture


"Am I supposed to be alone for the rest of my life?" He often asks himself this same question over and over and over again, without a single answer.

He was born in the 1980's, under the bloody red flag. He was blessed with kind grandparents who have shown him nothing but compassion for twenty-two years. His mother and father work hard to ensure a better future for their only beloved son. God provided him with a good life; there is no doubt about that. However, he still blames God for creating him differently than others.

He believed in God, but God forsook him. He was wronged from day one (according to the rules of the Holy Bible), and he would not be able to correct it. So he abandoned God.

Most people like him, but not for his true identity; they simply do not know him. They all admire his good life, as he himself often does. He has all but one thing. He is crowded by people, but feels all alone.

He became cynical. He hates almost everyone around him. He struggles with himself because he lives double lives; he is still in the closet.

Everything went extremely well in his life, but he is still not satisfied with it. He keeps saying, "That's sure good! But what I really need is something different from this load of crap. I need...?"

He speaks other languages rather well. This skill helps him meet lots of people from around the world. He talks with them online. People show him kindness just as in real life. However, only online is he real. One or two of these new friends became the center of his life. Unfortunately, he would have had to dig a hole through the earth in order to meet them in person; he just hopes that someday they might dig a hole to him first.

He's probably not ready. His life would be altered if he came out and told all those people who have not been told the truth. But he's ready to take all the abuse, and experience the joy of living freely.

Though he still has to think about how he could face his grandparents and parents who place all their hope in him, he has to take this step. It's part of his great plan. He's not happy with God's Plan, so he has devised Plan B. He has chosen to do it the hard way.

He wants to get out of here. He's in the middle of nowhere. It's his dream. It's very difficult though. "Go to California!" he constantly says to himself. He has a California dream.

He has a heart, a lonely heart, but it's still beating. As the old saying goes, when there's a will, there's a way.

"I'm now so proud of what I am!" he says out loud.

He surely is. He's gay.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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