43 Folders

Back to Work

Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Ical Task Problems

I have been having a problem with ical that I can't find any resolution to nor find anyone else who has this problem. I currently use OmniFocus to manage my "big picture" and sync that with iCal for checking off my tasks and for aligning due dates of my todos with my available calendar schedule.

When I have nothing selected in the to do list, I scroll to look at an item, but when I click on it the scroll resets to the last position when something was selected in the list and then selects the item in that postition. The end results is that you want to check off "plant tomatoes",you end up checking off "send invoice to Central bank". I have this problem with Tiger, so I upgraded to Leapard and it is still there, if not worse. I have deleted the plist and all the "normal" stuff, but no result. I have also make a couple of videos that I have sent off to Omni and others, but no one has ever seen this before or has a clue what is happening (see below for links). I have attached the videos here, and if you have any clue as to what is going on, I'd appreciate it. In fact, I will sweeten the pot with an offer of either a bottle of wine from one of Missouri's vinards (yes we have vinyards here) or a box of chocolates from the local cholateer for whoever figures out a solution (other than subituting iCal with a diferent program.

Scott Video Links: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9187098400803431080 Video Links: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7332216404183975807

About jsc5225




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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Merlin used to crank. He’s not cranking any more.

This is an essay about family, priorities, and Shakey’s Pizza, and it’s probably the best thing he’s written. »

Scared Shitless

Merlin’s scared. You’re scared. Everybody is scared.

This is the video of Merlin’s keynote at Webstock 2011. The one where he cried. You should watch it. »