Proverb from childhood:
Why do ducks have webbed feet? To put out forest fires.
Why do elephants have flat feet? To put out flaming ducks.
This will be a long intro. I know, breaks Merlin's rule of concise writing but hey, it?s 3am. Scroll down. I won?t be offended..
Hello out there. I?m a flaming duck.
I?d read Allen?s GTD in January and immediately knew I?d found ?the way? for me. Putting my open loops in a trusted system, the potential of finally being able to zero in on one thing at a time. My usual state is being so overwhelmed I'm in the middle of the floor doing a 360, surf the net then decide I absolutely must rearrange the bookshelves. Did the Inbox, nice start on the next phase then process interuptus. Went on my first vacation in 2 years. Returned and freaked. Yes, the anticipated projects were there, tucked safely in their folders and a very efficient tickler file. Surprise!:eek: Evicted from my wonderfully organized work space at home (only for work not for living.) Meant relocating to my post-flood office apt. - the organizing of which had been way down on my someday/maybe list. Meant lugging tons of books, boxes of (printed labeled) reference folders but so bummed because the ?processing? was thrown off. Tossed a sheet over ? of my space which is now one massive ?in-box.? And of course, now I get a project, requiring new skills, for a new client.
System wise, I?m on Windows so Mac hacks are beyond me. Don?t have Outlook. Do have Moleskin, a voice recorder and my essential Palm Zire 71 w/Datebk5. With the keyboard, I don?t hurt myself by having to carry a laptop.
Weakness: reorganizing the Palm. Yes, I?m signed up for GTD Datebk mailing list but I haven?t set it up to the point where I feel safe.
This group and Merlin?s 43 Folders have kept me from being institutionalized. Very inspiring, useful tips and when I figure out the questions to ask I know there?ll be helpful suggestions. Enough for now. Thanks everyone